Apparently "Rickety Rocket" is a 70s/80s cartoon series about four teenagers and their rickety rocket. Does anybody remember it? I don't. Because at that time I was pooing my pants, a day was a month, a month was a lifetime and the universe was the wide open park adjacent to the place where I grew up...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Climate Change "Expert" John Coleman

Have you heard of global warming? Are you concerned about it, maybe scared about what kind of world your children will be growing up in, the issues your grandchildren will have to lobby and campaign for?
As with every serious political problem, there are people who can just make it vanish. John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel and a former TV weather presenter is one of those, and apparently he finds an audience, happily listening to his talking magic. Click on the link above and you find an intriguing interview with him. Climate change is "a total myth" in his world and "20 years from now, I will be the one laughing," he says. That may well be an evil, sardonic laugh and I don't want to be anywhere close when he launches it. I wonder why people like him get any airtime at all - I might as well say the earth is revolving around planet Jupiter or Mel Gibson is an unperturbed person with great respect for religious differences...


Anonymous said...

Bush makes a statement about global climate change :-)))

Anonymous said...

hehehe, ja mensch - da wird man fast schon wehmütig, dass es ihn nach herbst nicht mehr im amt geben wird...